The Player Characters (PCs) are traveling through a fetid, sweltering swamp. Halfway through their adventure the expedition begins to fall sick with fever. At first, just a few torchbearers were sick and then a few porters. Eventually almost the entire adventuring party is sick even a few PCs are ill. The danger made apparent beforeContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #18: Disease”
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Bizarre Beasties #11 – The Wolf-Bat
The Wolf-Bat, a fiendish beast resulting from the combination of a bat and a wolf. A new pregenerated monster for Dice & Glory that will definitely add a nasty surprise to any GM’s campaign. These murderous winged monsters are fresh from Hades. I wondered what this combination would present then I added the fiendish template.Continue reading “Bizarre Beasties #11 – The Wolf-Bat”
Tabletop Meditations #17: The Lich
Whether it is at the head of an undead horde or a shadowy figure behind the scenes using monsters and people like chess pieces the undead wizard known as the lich is adept on and off the field. These undead wizards appear as mostly skeletal with only the scant, mummified remnants of flesh left hangingContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #17: The Lich”
Tabletop Meditations #16: Old Empires
In any given fantasy RPG, but by no means all of them, a remnant empire or a landscape littered with the bones of an ancient empire sometimes mysterious oft times still vaguely powerful. Old empires appear throughout fantasy and thus many fantasy tabletop roleplaying games. Using this trope makes it a little easier to beginContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #16: Old Empires”
Wondrous Objects #6 – The Wondrous Armory
Here’s another fantastic item to drop into any Dice & Glory campaign. However, it is not strictly speaking an object. Instead it’s a clever use of a combination of spells, a locale, and some mundane but high quality weapons. It has the potential to pull double-duty as a hidden stash and an enemy’s clever gimmick.Continue reading “Wondrous Objects #6 – The Wondrous Armory”
Bizarre Beasties #10 – The Crow Sloth
The Crow Sloth, a pregenerated monster for Dice & Glory that can add a little surprise to any GM’s campaign. These creatures are massive brutes that will attack and kill any targets smaller than themselves. They leave the corpses of their victims to “ripen” for a few days before returning and devouring the corpse. InspiredContinue reading “Bizarre Beasties #10 – The Crow Sloth”
The Cabal of Eight Pt.32: The Gold Lotus
The 14th of High Summer – The cabal of eight once again found itself convened in the close quarters of the dingy clubroom on the second floor of the Red Helm Tavern. At the head of the table the dusky Belrae Crokosa his purple robes emblazoned with a green frog. To his left sat RiahmContinue reading “The Cabal of Eight Pt.32: The Gold Lotus”
Off-Brand Adventurers
Here’s a little ramble about the traditional character class breakdown of the typified RPG adventuring group. This includes how this tried and true combination of classes helped to shape the core of the Dice & Glory game system. It’s not a history lesson or based in anything more than experience and opinion; just my two-cents.Continue reading “Off-Brand Adventurers”
The Cabal of Eight Pt.28: Wagons & Dragon
The motley caravan began to slow and the dust clouds that the wagons had sent billowing as they tried to maintain top speed for the past few hours inevitably shrank as they slowed. The lead wagon was iron plated and assumed to be carrying one Firstborn Hufom, target of the cabal mages. Leading that wereContinue reading “The Cabal of Eight Pt.28: Wagons & Dragon”
Moths of Tanglethorn
After a full year in the Game-Master’s chair, I finally was going to get to play. Of course, Cris was GMing and going to set his campaign in the Poisonwood capital of Tanglethorn. It was going to be an “Evil Game”, a campaign where all of the Player Characters have an evil base alignment. EverythingContinue reading “Moths of Tanglethorn”