The State of RGS: Fall 2024

Well, it has been a strangely busy year so apologies to anyone waiting on weekly campaign blog updates. We have been working on some new books for the end of this year and release next year.

Coming Releases

Coming December (hopefully) is The Monster Magnus: Monstrum Minorum – Book of Low Challenge Rated Monsters. Packed with 300+ creatures this new tome collects them in chapters based on Challenge Rating. Challenge Ratings (CRs) start at One-Quarter up to Four. Unfortunately, there may be additional delays as the cover artist bowed out due to circumstances out of their control. Currently, the book is in the illustration phase, the text is complete and edited. So, fingers crossed.

Future releases slated for Summer 2025, include The Monster Magnus Volume II, The Great Grimoire Volume II, and The Codices of Clever Doom. Work on Dark Home: Land of the Dwarves continues, as it does on The Gamesmaster’s Guide to Dice & Glory. We do have material collected for a few other projects, but more on those sometime in the future.

We have completed the map master key used for all maps published by Ranger Games (at least from here on out). It is the store of standardized symbols we will use, and have used, in creating maps published in the books and on this site. It is available for download as a PDF from MediaFire here:

RGS Maps Master Key – 2.28 MB

Third Edition Announcement

In short, the Third Edition Core Rulebook with new cover art from Pinned Cicada is coming next year new editions of the older rulebooks will follow. In blog news, the campaign blog and new free downloads will begin again in 2025. We are still going strong and plan on a busy and fruitful next year.

Above all, thank you for your ongoing support!

Zombie Horror Release Date

old zombie horror cover by Leonard Y.
The cover to the first edition. Art by Leonard Y.

Ranger games is proud to announce the release date of a revised edition of our long out-of-print survival horror book. The Halloween season will see the release of Zombie Horror (RGS1011)! Moreover, the initial release date is October 23. However, depending on editing and the cover art finalization, the release date may be earlier but will be in October.

Zombie Horror contains information on the Zombie Genre and how it applies to a Dice & Glory campaign. It also details various game-applicable aspects of zombies and their sub-types. Also, the book discusses the zombie sickness in detail with playable game aspects. There is also information on creating characters suited for such a campaign and detailed info on modern weaponry & vehicles. Additionally, there is a full chapter for the Games-Master with bullet points for running a horror and walking dead based campaign. Finally, there are several semi-populated maps of modern locations that are applicable to the genre as well as an NPC rich appendix.

A full press release will follow in October.

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Arvan – Land of Dragons *Update*

The Bad News…

Unfortunately the Arvan setting will not be released on time due to the art simply not being done. We originally shot for a November 2016 release but a few unforeseen situations cropped up and the month of release kept getting pushed back until December. Of course, by the beginning of October we were out of money, the budget of the book was bust.

The Good News…

The art will be done and the book will be finished. So we have set a specific date of release. The date set is February 15, 2017. We will first release the pdf version through the normal channels and then by the end of March it will be available in its print edition.

The Arvan Setting

Dragons infest the land of Arvan a high-fantasy setting with the dark and brutal overtones of sword & sorcery. Set during the rise of an age of exploration and trade it’s a world fraught with the ruins of former ages inhabited by the folly of the Mad-Mages and dominated by Dragons!

Arvan The Land of Dragons

Player Races include Arboreans, Amazons, Fauns, Hill-Giants, Humans, Naga, and Ratlings!

The Book

This Dice & Glory world book includes a mass of general information on the planet and its peoples. Also a great many details about geography, flora, fauna, natural resources, places of interest, religions, cultural spheres, ethnic groups, and archetypal equipment for each of the 7 main regions of the sub-continent of Ar. There is supplemental and background information on the ancient nations of the eastern side of the continent, called Van. There is also introductory info on the world of Eu on which the continent of Arvan floats and a GM section dealing with time measurement and the multiple Moons of Eu among other GM-Only details!

250+ Pages!

Release Date: February 15, 2017

Written By: Robert A. Neri Jr.

Cover Art By: Jamie Noble <=== Facebook Link <=== Website Link

A Quick Word about the Blog

For those of you who read my gaming blogs, the blog will return next week. Due to the Cabal of Eight campaign sessions being a little erratic my material is running up to the current game-play. Fortunately, we have a (hopefully) stable play schedule coming up through the holidays so it should resume weekly as usual. That is, weekly barring any information that may be given away to the players via the blog anyway.


Arvan Setting Released!

New Setting – Arvan: Land of Dragons!

Dragons infest the land of Arvan a high-fantasy setting with the dark and brutal overtones of sword & sorcery. Set during the rise of an age of exploration and trade it’s a world fraught with the ruins of former ages inhabited by the folly of the Mad-Mages and dominated by Dragons!

The Land of Dragons

Player Races include Arboreans, Amazons, Fauns, Hill-Giants, Humans, and Ratlings!

This Dice & Glory world book includes a mass of general information on the planet and its peoples. Also a great many details about geography, flora, fauna, natural resources, places of interest, religions, cultural spheres, ethnic groups, and archetypal equipment for each of the 7 main regions of the sub-continent of Ar. There is supplemental and background information on the ancient nations of the eastern side of the continent, named Van. There is also introductory info on the world of Eu on which the continent of Arvan floats and a GM section dealing with time measurement and the multiple Moons of Eu among other GM-Only details!

250+ Pages!

Coming in 2016

Written By: Robert A. Neri Jr.

Cover Art By: Jamie Noble

The Character Codex IV

The editing and artwork are FINALLY done and the Character

Cover Art by Brian Brinlee
Cover Art by Brian Brinlee

Codex IV: Book of Unconventional Character Classes is soon to be released! Among those classes that can be found within the new Character Codex’s pages are the Dragon-Blood Warrior, the Leatherneck, the Leopard-man, Skull-Cleavers, Bookworms, High Sages, and Zombie Creepers! The PDF release date is Aug.29 on RPGNow and DriveThruRPG. With a print edition to follow shortly after through! Keep an eye out!