The Character Codex IV: Book of Unconventional Character Classes is now available in pdf format via and!
A new Character Codex containing specialist fantasy character classes that are strange and unconventional adding new flair to any Dice & Glory campaign! This book is a great resource for both Players and Game Masters wishing to introduce some eastern flavor into their game! Among those classes that can be found within the new Character Codex’s pages are the Dragon-Blood Warrior, the Leatherneck, the Leopard-man, Skull-Cleavers, Bookworms, High Sages, and Zombie Creepers!
Requires the Dice & Glory Core Rulebook
This book contains:
- Over 76 Fantasy Specialist Classes with full descriptions of class abilities and level progression tables!
- Of these, there are 5 Brick classes, 12 Fighter classes, 11 Adventurer classes, 6 Rogue classes, 9 Psychic classes, 22 mage classes, 6 Clergy classes and 11 NPC classes!
- NPC tables which can be applied to NPC’s to easily apply specialist class levels!
- 6 forms of stylized Martial Arts forms!
- …Plus information on Specialist Class Variants along with 15 variants.