Well, it has been a strangely busy year so apologies to anyone waiting on weekly campaign blog updates. We have been working on some new books for the end of this year and release next year.
Coming Releases
Coming December (hopefully) is The Monster Magnus: Monstrum Minorum – Book of Low Challenge Rated Monsters. Packed with 300+ creatures this new tome collects them in chapters based on Challenge Rating. Challenge Ratings (CRs) start at One-Quarter up to Four. Unfortunately, there may be additional delays as the cover artist bowed out due to circumstances out of their control. Currently, the book is in the illustration phase, the text is complete and edited. So, fingers crossed.
Future releases slated for Summer 2025, include The Monster Magnus Volume II, The Great Grimoire Volume II, and The Codices of Clever Doom. Work on Dark Home: Land of the Dwarves continues, as it does on The Gamesmaster’s Guide to Dice & Glory. We do have material collected for a few other projects, but more on those sometime in the future.
We have completed the map master key used for all maps published by Ranger Games (at least from here on out). It is the store of standardized symbols we will use, and have used, in creating maps published in the books and on this site. It is available for download as a PDF from MediaFire here:
RGS Maps Master Key – 2.28 MB
Third Edition Announcement
In short, the Third Edition Core Rulebook with new cover art from Pinned Cicada is coming next year new editions of the older rulebooks will follow. In blog news, the campaign blog and new free downloads will begin again in 2025. We are still going strong and plan on a busy and fruitful next year.
Above all, thank you for your ongoing support!