Discussions about the writing and running of tabletop games in terms of fictional narratives or as a sort of collective fiction or exercise in communal story-telling are very common as are the debates brought about by such subjects. Especially when discussing the writing of Game-Masters and the use of not only the terms but theContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #7: RPG Narrative”
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Tabletop Meditations #6: Dragons
They are both majestic and terrifyingly powerful beasts that dominate both the air and the land with their fearsome talons and vicious teeth. They wield the power of fire or poison and scales like shields. These great lizards have been used as symbols for heavenly or hellish might as well as to adorn the shieldsContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #6: Dragons”
Tabletop Meditations #5: On Vancian Magic
When it comes to magic in tabletop role-playing games my opinion is a bit conventional in the sense that I dislike Vancian Magic, a system of RPG magic inspired by the Dying Earth series of books and stories authored by Jack Vance. I do acknowledge its importance in not that it was essentially the firstContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #5: On Vancian Magic”
Tabletop Meditations #4: Dungeons
Skulking carefully through a web-choked and shadow-drowned passage, a thick grey sheet of dust over the flagstone floor and the scattered bones probably those of other adventurers hopefully of a lesser skill, watching where you step and hoping the next is not your last propelled onward by the dream of snatching the promised treasure andContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #4: Dungeons”
Tabletop Meditations #3: Mazes
What comes to mind when either of the words ‘maze’ and ‘labyrinth’ are uttered anytime in a roleplaying session, at least to me, is the moist stench of mist haunted corridors carrying the promise of treasure at the goal, the danger of hidden traps along the way, and the ever-present threat of monsters lurking inContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #3: Mazes”
Tabletop Meditations #2: Riddles
Riddles seem to be underutilized in roleplaying games, at least the ones I’ve been present for as both a player and Game Master. The Riddle of the Sphinx to Oedipus, Samson’s Riddle to the Philistines (Judges 14:14 – 14:18), puzzles and word-games upon which the life of a hero balanced and the doom of theContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #2: Riddles”
Tabletop Meditations #1: Treading Common Ground
While participating in roleplaying games many times over I’ve found myself sitting with people I’d not otherwise associate with, individuals with whom I could easily creep through dripping sewers infested with giant mutated leeches or fight the ravening hordes of either zombies or orcs side-by-side but with whom I simply could not get along withContinue reading “Tabletop Meditations #1: Treading Common Ground”
The Dragonslayers III Pt. 22: Howl of the Night-Trolls
Magiia held a ready stance her shield on one arm and her battle-axe in hand, Vorwulf stood unarmored with his two-handed astral-drift-metal great axe in his, and Grom readied waiting to unleash his magic on the onrushing troll-flesh. The battle howl of the night-trolls became deafening as they charged in. The raging black-skinned trolls wereContinue reading “The Dragonslayers III Pt. 22: Howl of the Night-Trolls”
The Dragonslayers III Pt. 21: It’s What We Do!
Dawn in the town of Aáhké in the land of Norusk, in their bungalow Maggia had just finished restocking her Dragon-Blood Potion supply and Vorwulf was just beginning to nurse a hang-over with plans on fetching “some hair o’ the dog” with breakfast when Grom burst in wild-eyed and full of new info. He hadContinue reading “The Dragonslayers III Pt. 21: It’s What We Do!”
The Dragonslayers III Pt. 17: Bookkeepsta’s Paradise
A day after arriving safely home in the Hopping Rat in the city of Merdna, the slayers identified and split the loot acquired in the Blackbrow expedition. They drank ale, Og & Trasknor (Grom’s & Vorwulf’s protégés respectively) had purchased 3 hogshead during their absence (just in case), while gathered around a table in theContinue reading “The Dragonslayers III Pt. 17: Bookkeepsta’s Paradise”