Brief Announcement for Jan. 19

Well, there a few things we’re dealing with this week:

No Blog Entry

Sorry, no blog entry this week due to the work on the Arvan: Land of Dragons book taking precedence. I’m also dealing with the pirating of my work. Note that next week the blog may also be on hold as well. There is material there (straight from my GM notebook which is about half full at this point) its just that I don’t have time to decipher, copy, and storify it. The process of which takes about 2 to 3 days per entry.

Dealing with Piracy Issues

You’d think with how low my sales are why anyone would try to pirate my stuff but dealing with it I am (this isn’t the first time either). They’ve apparently converted the CRB into another format and are selling it without my permission or even prior knowledge. So I’m going through the process of issuing take-downs on the site selling the pirate copies.

Other Projects in the Planning Stage

However, on a more positive note I am also setting up for another project dealing with dwarves and their realm (using the Tabletop Meditations #13 as a starting point) as well as preparing for the Monster Magnus Vol. II and the Great Grimoire Vol. II. for which a great portion of the writing is finished. There is also material for other projects (Such as a Monster Magnus III) but those are far off at this point.

Arvan Release Date February 15th

Arvan is pretty much on schedule for its February 15th PDF release date. So look for that in February on and

Expanding Our Market Presence

Ranger Games Publishing is also trying to expand our brand onto new marketplaces. Look for our products in other places in the future! Very shortly we should be available on the!



Blog, Arvan, and Articles Update

About the BlogWizard-Skull_web.jpg

So, blog entries will be slowing down a great deal here since the current campaign (the one started after A Giant in Xuun ended so anti-climatically) has somewhat stalled out and we’ve lost a player due to work schedule. So it is uncertain as to when I will begin to post another campaign blog the next may be the campaign I will be mastering but that may be a few months in the coming.

New Articles

However, I will be releasing a new article here and there as I get time to edit and post them, the next article will be a Tabletop Meditations #11: Elves, and should be posted around Weds or Thurs next week on this site.

Progress on the Arvan Setting

Work on the campaign setting book – Arvan: Land of Dragons – continues as the illustrations are being mostly by me at this point with that kind of work load everything else is going to have to suffer. Who would’ve guessed a World Spanning work take so much illustration? <:)

The actual release date for Arvan is unknown right now due to the bog down on the artwork but I’ll try to keep everyone updated as work progresses.

Attention Artists/Illustrators

Sales have been better this quarter, thanks to all those who’ve supported us, so I am fielding for 1 or 2 illustrators and in particular we are looking for a Cartographic Artist. If any of you are interested email us with an approximate rate for full page, 1/2 page, and 1/4 page pieces. Please note are project budgets are always really small.

Other New Releases

As the work on Arvan is taking alot longer than we had originally thought and scheduled for any new releases for this year will have to be pushed back even possibly into next year. These releases being: The Monster Magnus Vol. II, The Great Grimoire Vol. II, and the Complete Character Codex (print only).


Robert A. Neri Jr.

On Facebook

New Setting – Arvan: Land of Dragons!

Dragons infest the land of Arvan a high-fantasy setting with the dark and brutal overtones of sword & sorcery. Set during the rise of an age of exploration and trade it’s a world fraught with the ruins of former ages inhabited by the folly of the Mad-Mages and dominated by Dragons!

The Land of Dragons

Player Races include Arboreans, Amazons, Fauns, Hill-Giants, Humans, and Ratlings!

This Dice & Glory world book includes a mass of general information on the planet and its peoples. Also a great many details about geography, flora, fauna, natural resources, places of interest, religions, cultural spheres, ethnic groups, and archetypal equipment for each of the 7 main regions of the sub-continent of Ar. There is supplemental and background information on the ancient nations of the eastern side of the continent, named Van. There is also introductory info on the world of Eu on which the continent of Arvan floats and a GM section dealing with time measurement and the multiple Moons of Eu among other GM-Only details!

250+ Pages!

Coming in 2016

Written By: Robert A. Neri Jr.

Cover Art By: Jamie Noble

The Character Codex IV

The editing and artwork are FINALLY done and the Character

Cover Art by Brian Brinlee
Cover Art by Brian Brinlee

Codex IV: Book of Unconventional Character Classes is soon to be released! Among those classes that can be found within the new Character Codex’s pages are the Dragon-Blood Warrior, the Leatherneck, the Leopard-man, Skull-Cleavers, Bookworms, High Sages, and Zombie Creepers! The PDF release date is Aug.29 on RPGNow and DriveThruRPG. With a print edition to follow shortly after through! Keep an eye out!